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World Healing Peace Meditation

December 31, 2024 @ 4:00 am 6:00 am

At 4:00am Tuesday morning, December 31, Pacific Coast CSL will join millions around the world in the most comprehensive prayer and meditative activity in history. At that very moment (noon Greenwich time – UK), we will join others in a planetary affirmation of peace, love, forgiveness and understanding involving millions of individuals in this simultaneous global mind link…bridging perceived differences and dissolving any sense of separation, acknowledging Oneness, and focusing our combined thought energy on Peace, Unity and Wellness.

Our Center’s doors will open at 3:15am and we will commence at 4:00am sharp. Dress casually. The guided meditation lasts one hour, and will include readings, music and silent meditation. Afterwards, we will enjoy a Potluck where all are invited to contribute. And for those who would like to attend by ZOOM, please register for your link.

Conceived by a grass roots movement of non-political, non-denominational individuals who first came together on December 31, 1986, the mind-link totaled more than 500-million people representing all religious faiths on seven continents, in more than seventy countries, and in every state in the U.S. Over 500 spiritual and peace-related organizations around the world participated. Our own CSL community has participated for almost 20 years! www.johnrandolphprice.com/world-healing-day/ .

If you wish to participate via Zoom, the link is provided below!

For more information, contact Ray Bradford at raybradford122@gmail.com

500 Marina Drive
Seal Beach, CA 90740 United States
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