We Rise Together

We Rise Together

We rise through the individual and collective learning of our experiences. This past Sunday, we explored the last of our 15 agreements from a broad perspective– “Being the Resolution.”    The invitation is to look at what is missing in the world as an invitation to become what mine is to be.  For example, I am…

The God Given Freedom

The God Given Freedom

On July 15, 1776, the signing of the Declaration of Independence when the 13 Colonies celebrated their freedom from Great Britain. As a result, the United States annually celebrates this freedom on July 4th. In the past I’ve written newsletters about 4th of July celebrations, fireworks and picnics with family and friends. I decided to…

New Thought Lords Prayer

New Thought Lords Prayer

Practitioner Nicki Freeman and I, Carol Anne Perini, RScP wanted to revisit “The Lord’s Prayer”. After considerable prayerful research and consideration, we created a presentation together for the combined congregation’s celebration of Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living and Namaste’ Center for Spiritual Living. The following was our presentation. The Lord’s prayer is a prayer…

The Impulse of Love

The Impulse of Love

“Love is the sole impulse for creation. No one can swing out into the Universal without love, for the whole universe is based upon it. Love is the greatest power in the Universe, it is the basis and the source of everything.”– Ernest Holmes February is the month of love where friends and loved ones…

Writing as Meditation

Writing as Meditation

I like to write. Writing gives me the time I need to organize my thoughts. Often when I speak spontaneously I get flustered and sometimes say things I don’t mean to say, or my tone may be off, or without intending to, I may misspeak about the topic. When I write, my thoughts slow down….

Faith is a Mental Attitude

Faith is a Mental Attitude

“Faith is a mental attitude that is so convinced of its own idea—which so completely accepts it—that any contradiction is unthinkable and impossible.”Ernest Holmes “If, you have the faith as small as mustard seed, nothing will be impossible to you.” Matthew 17:20 As we pray, once said, our spiritual mind treatment is completed and accepted…

Theres No Place Like Home

Theres No Place Like Home

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us!”– Joseph Campbell This month’s theme is “There’s no place like home,” and so appropriate as we celebrate this continuing community collaboration and The Adventures in Faith class. This deep longing to be…

Reflections: Self-Transformation to Create a world that works for Everyone

Reflections: Self-Transformation to Create a world that works for Everyone

This is my twentieth year as a practitioner, and I have been attending this “Jewel by the Sea” since 2006. I have had some awesome role models at this Center. Rev Peggy Price was our Senior Minister when I joined. She impressed me with her passion for her work in the Interfaith Community. When she…

Living Everyday Wonder- Nature

Living Everyday Wonder- Nature

Our theme this month is “Living Everyday wonder- Nature”. What is your relationship with nature like? We all love a beautiful sunset, snowy mountains, meadows of lavender or poppies, forest bathing and crystal-clear streams, rivers, and beaches and all their native inhabitants. How deeply does that appreciation go? Can we truly know the complexity, mystery,…