Theres No Place Like Home

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us!”
– Joseph Campbell

This month’s theme is “There’s no place like home,” and so appropriate as we celebrate this continuing community collaboration and The Adventures in Faith class. This deep longing to be home, that safe place of deep connection, is a universal desire within all people – indeed characteristic of the human condition. It is that deep longing for that felt presence that seems an unknowable, unfathomable yet irresistible compulsion to make meaningful heart

And it is the frustration of this impulse to be at home, that place of safety and connection, that, in my humble opinion, is the reason for the widespread divisiveness, anger, frustration, sadness, and hopelessness we all experience at some point. If only there were a way to begin to weave together this fragmentation of the human spirit. If only there were a way… Wait! It is right in front of us!

Your experience in the Adventures in faith and as cooperative components of collaboration is precisely that!

It is a huge step toward healing this fragmentation of our collective experience. Although it may seem messy at times, your commitment, effort, and courage to explore diversity, equity, and inclusion and your curiosity to explore sharing resources and unifying two spiritual communities have made a difference beyond your imagination.

Small changes made regularly can move mountains! Even if you did not actively participate in this incredible AIF class, you are still a recipient of the transformation of consciousness it engendered. Additionally, the monthly collaboration sessions shift consciousness to possibilities that have yet to be imagined. Like a pebble tossed into a pond, the level of consciousness is raised, and the ripples in the creative medium advance that sacred energy into expanding
concentric circles into new realms of creativity, innovation, compassion, and extraordinary respect. Thanks for all that put the AIF program together, for Tracy Brown for providing the perfect vehicle for navigating the bumpy terrain, and for special recognition for Rev Bobbi for her ongoing inspiration, guidance, and incredible loving kindness. And a special shout out to those courageous folks willing to share their time and resources monthly in exploring all the
possibilities in the intentional community collaboration.

“… We’ll build it better than we did before. We are the people we’ve been waiting for!”
And so, it is!

Rev. John DePalma

Rev John’s personal mission is to help our spiritual centers build diverse, inclusive, healthy, sustainable, and thriving spiritual communities. Why? To awaken humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence and create a world that works for all where no child goes hungry, where no one fears persecution, where no one is unloved and where prosperity and peace prevail.