New Thought Lords Prayer

Practitioner Nicki Freeman and I, Carol Anne Perini, RScP wanted to revisit “The Lord’s Prayer”. After considerable prayerful research and consideration, we created a presentation together for the combined congregation’s celebration of Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living and Namaste’ Center for Spiritual Living. The following was our presentation.

The Lord’s prayer is a prayer of petition. The speaker is asking God for the things he believes that only God can give him. At first the speaker approaches this God humbly and unassuming, ingratiating himself, beseeching God to listen to his request. And then lists the things that he wants while at the end reminding God that indeed, God is the power forever and ever.

In SOM, we believe and celebrate the sanctity of our finite connection to Spirit and the infinite quality of God within each of us. God is, we are. There is no separation in the Universe so there is no need to petition to a Source outside of ourselves. We are One with All and each other. Also, this God the petitioner is approaching is a masculine God. In our teachings God is not masculine nor is it feminine. Simply put, God or Spirit is an It if you will, without gender. So our prayer is adapted with that thought in mind. God is an energy, a beingness, physically undefinable from the perspective of male or female. God simply Is and we are finite expressions of that It-ness containing all of the qualities of the One from which we come.

So, with that in mind, we rewrote the Lord’s Prayer from todays perspective. See what you think.

The Lord’s Prayer – New Thought – Reboot
Great Spirit, the Universal Mind, the All of All, Infinite and Eternal is known by many names. The kingdom of the All is within each of us. As we think and pray our lives reflect that which is within us. Filled with the gifts of the Creative Law we feed one another from farm to table, from factory to homes, ever mindful that our efforts are generated from hearts to hands to hearts. Love is reflected as Love, Beauty as Beauty, Joy as Joy.

We are already that which God Is as we are the embodiment of the kingdom of God. We are finite expressions of the One Life. No matter whether we choose to turn toward or turn away, the Life Force within each of us responds by corresponding. Let us surrender to that Spirit within each of us knowing that It is ever ready to say yes, my beloved, yes.

And, so it is.

Much Love to All,
Carol Anne Perini, RScP

Carol Anne Perini, RScP

Carol Anne Perini is an ongoing student of the practice of Forgiveness. Her ministry is dedicated to clearing away the past hurts and fears in her own life so that she can live a truly authentic life which she shares with others. Carol Anne began her journey in SOM philosophy in 2006, becoming a practitioner in 2012, and committing to the SBCSL community in June of 2017. Her background in nursing, family group facilitation, and home health case-management brings a wealth of nurturing support to those around her. Additionally, her extensive background in the arts gives her a broadminded approach to spirituality and the challenges of being human. Carol Anne brings a deep faith, love, wisdom, and a peaceful presence to all that she does.