Faith is a Mental Attitude

“Faith is a mental attitude that is so convinced of its own idea—which so completely accepts it—that any contradiction is unthinkable and impossible.”
Ernest Holmes
“If, you have the faith as small as mustard seed, nothing will be impossible to you.” Matthew 17:20
As we pray, once said, our spiritual mind treatment is completed and accepted as done. We have every reason to believe there is a creative Law that acts upon our acceptance. I can personally attest to this.
This summer I was invited to attend Edison Miller’s Memorial Service at the Arlington Cemetery with all expenses paid. Due to my fractured tailbone, I was unable to go.
When I have a challenge, I do my best to accept it. Afterward, I saw the online videos of this trip and realized there was a lot of walking and under the best of conditions I would not have been able to do all the walking. I was disappointed, but not upset. Edison and I had wonderful friendship which I treasure.
This is where my faith came in, knowing the Law works according to our beliefs. I believed all went according to my highest good. I relied on prayer, meditation and the prayer treatments given by my Practitioner and the faith that all went perfectly. I don’t always understand the outcomes, but I know prayer treatment with faith and conviction work.
I encourage you to practice prayer treatments, preferably with a Practitioner. Faith and treatment go hand in hand, as we allow ourselves to release the treatment with faith that the Law works, we can be assured that the Law reveals a perfect outcome.

Sylvia Hungerford, RScP
Sylvia Hungerford has been a Practitioner in Centers for Spiritual Living since 2013, where she completed her studies through Seal Beach CSL. From the moment she joined the SBCSL community, Sylvia has been dedicated to serving in many capacities. Her joy, wisdom, and enthusiasm is contagious! She has been trained in Grief Support, and Grief Support; Loss of a Child. Sylvia brings great depth and empathy to her grief support work here at the center. Through her personal experiences, studies in Science of Mind, and dedication, she brings great wisdom and compassion to the healing of others while on their grief journeys. Since the completion of her own Practitioner studies, Sylvia has been assisting in SBCSL’s Practitioner Training courses, both as a Teacher and a Mentor. She also co-facilitates Living and Thriving Grief, a support group here at Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living.